Outdoor Adventures with Umuthi

Coming Summer 2020! We are in the process of creating an entire outdoor adventure curriculum that is going to knock your socks off!

In the meantime, read below about our vision for this program.

Also, leave your name at the bottom of the page if you would like to hear from us once the program is ready. WE WILL NOT USE THIS INFORMATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE.

Heroic families adventure together!

For generations families have enriched their lives and relationships with each other through outdoor activities and excursions. Many have rich memories of family hikes, fishing trips, meaningful campfire conversations, etc. Through these experiences they also taught character traits of hard work, grit, persistence, and determination. Valuable life lessons were passed on to the next generation all through what we call “adventuring”.

Here at Umuthi we know that the character traits and principles built through adventures can lead to success- especially for youth! We are committed to helping you get your children into the great outdoors so they can redirect their mental and physical energy to intentionally live rich and full lives. We want to help youth escape the pits of boredom, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and addiction. We are fully invested in equipping them with tools to create an awesome and productive life.

Unfortunately, we know of many families that would love to make adventuring part of their family culture but the lack of time and necessary gear can leave them without the option to take their kids out. Other families have never participated in outdoor adventures and their inexperience prevents them from planning, organizing, and executing trips. Whatever the reason, we see many families unable to take the kind of character building adventures that are so beneficial to their children. Sadly, one of the substitutes for adventures has become prolonged consumption of technology and media content.

Why Umuthi? Umuthi means “tree” and perfectly illustrates our mission of deep rooted transformation and growth through outdoor adventures. It also displays our goal of helping youth and adults produce fruit (value) which they can share with their community.

Are you ready for an adventure? Join us! Click below to sign up today or contact us to find out more information.

Want a custom-made adventure for your family, youth group, or office? Contact us and let’s explore possibilities. We’d love to assist you.

As a company, and as parents, we are concerned with the social plagues and addictions that are sweeping across the world. We see kids every day who are depressed, anxious, addicted, and in the worst cases contemplating taking their own lives. We know we cannot help kids in all situations overcome these deep emotional, mental, and spiritual struggles, but we also know that adventuring has a powerful counteracting effect. Our programs are designed to help kids learn principles and skill sets to prevent them from falling into addictive behaviours in the first place. If they are 30 feet in the air connected to nothing but a harness and a rope, wondering  how they are going to survive the afternoon, it is hard to think of their video games, Netflix series, or other addictive content. Not to mention, they will be having the time of their lives away from their devices! Click above to schedule a great adventure for your family and see how it can change them for the better. 

If you need additional resources for addiction prevention click below. We want to help in any way possible.