The Big Startup Guidebook for Kids


The Big Startup Guidebook for Kids

Original price was: $35.95.Current price is: $30.00.

We believe that every single young person should go through an entrepreneurship experience before they leave high school. We don’t know of any other experience or course where your kids can learn to communicate with adults and peers, persevere through difficulties, overcome fear, face failure, sell ideas, create solutions, see opportunity around them, understand risk and reward, develop a growth mindset, look past scarcity to abundance, collaborate with others, express creativity, and see their own potential.

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The list of all the things that students learn through entrepreneurship is actually much longer, but these are some of our favorites. Regardless of whether or not your child wants to pursue entrepreneurship, the benefits of starting a business and running it as a kid are invaluable.The Big Startup Guidebook for Kids teaches principles of entrepreneurship, that are always true no matter what happens in the economy, and combines that with the skillsets necessary to start a business in today’s markets. This book will help your kid, no matter where they are in their entrepreneur journey, to start and run their own business and in the process, they will change their perspective on the world and what they can accomplish.