We teach kids to be Entrepreneurs AND to have a Healthy Relationship with money and wealth

Society wants your family to be average, mediocre, and the same as everyone else.

You want to raise real-life superheroes that are charitable, happy, successful, and change the world for the better.

School or College?
Very few institutions of learning have the time or know-how to teach these fundamental ideas. They are focused on educating us with "facts" for our future jobs not "soft" skills like entrepreneurship, creating value, building relationships, or personal well-being
Home or Church?
Many of us are learning these ideas now as adults and don't feel confident in our ability to teach them to our kids in a way they can understand. Not to mention, our time is limited and we don't know where to begin to create an education program around this content
Most "kid" curriculum on the market completely underestimates the amazing generation of kids we are raising and their astonishing abilities. They dumb down the material until the kids get nothing more than colorful read-along books or step-by-step instructions on how to start a lemonade stand (which they could have done without curriculum).
Introduce wealth principles to your family that schools do not teach
Since the start of the Industrial Revolution we have been told to go to school and get good grades, get a degree, get a job earning lots of money, and save every dime we can for our entire lives... all so that we can retire when we are 65 and live the life we want to live. Have any of you heard that before?
That is the storyline that we have been told leads to SAFETY, SECURITY, and SUCCESS. However, that has never been the way to find success,
It is exactly how to live a safe, ordinary, middle-class life, just like everyone else.
Here is the crazy part, I've never met anyone that wants to live a life of mediocrity. Everyone I meet wants more out of life than that. They want to leave a legacy, change the world, and make a difference. In short, we all want to be a hero in our own story. So why do we keep telling ourselves this outdated storyline? And why would we ever teach it to our kids that it was the best way to be successful?!?
You know you don't want to pass along a life of mediocrity to your kids, but here is the truth... Unless you have done it yourself, no one is teaching your family true ideas about money, wealth, and success. No one is preparing them for a life of abundance and success. YOU are the only one that can do that!
I ran into this dilemma a few years ago when I started trying to teach my kids about finance and business. You see, when I was young I bought into the "don't be poor" storyline hook, line, and sinker so by the time I was 35 I was working heads-down in a corporate job to make sure I succeeded. Countless hours at work, long trips away from my family, poor health, crumbling relationships, and an imbalance in my life were the hallmarks of my efforts to follow the plan.
But that all changed for me after I was introduced to the right way to think about wealth by some of the most amazing teachers on the planet, and literally forced to start taking the right actions to build a life of success. By implementing true wealth principles in my life, I have gone from an ordinary, safe, "don't be poor" life to now being truly wealthy. I run my businesses from my own home, I have time to do the things I love to do, and I am now fulfilling part of my life purpose by teaching others the path they can follow to do the same thing; which brings me incredible joy.
So... back to my kids. When I tried to find resources that taught the principles that changed my life in a way my kids could understand, I came up empty. Sure, there are a lot of people that teach the skills of money management, but not the real lessons of wealth creation. That experience with my own kids led us to start Wealth Mentality Families; a company dedicated to changing the way your family thinks about, pursues, and uses wealth. We hope you will find a ton of value in the content we have created, and whether you work with us or not, we wish you the very best as your family seeks to be the heroes of their own, personal success story.
All the best,
The Wealth Mentality Families Team


Here's what some of our customers are saying...
"I'm not sure if us parents or the kids liked the book more. The story is understandable and engaging for both the kids and adults and the author makes it easy and fun to read. We read it during dinner time and our dinners seemed to get longer and longer as no one wanted to be done with dinner. One thing that I as a parent have loved, are the discussions that happen as a result of the book. Life gets busy and we want talk finances with our kids but it rarely just happens. The book has opened the door for discussion and the kids feel comfortable asking about different ideas. For example, they didn’t know what interest was so we had a dinner discussion about that. It was fun talking about the topic and telling them they can pay it but even better, they can also earn it. And we've found that if they are asking the questions, they are more interested in the answer as opposed to us randomly preaching to them. It also has life and behavioral lessons that are sinking in with our kids better than when we try to teach them. You'll be glad on many levels with buying the book."
- Jenna H.
Recently my daughters (11 and 10 years), participated in the Wealth Mentality program. I was more than impressed with the content, presentation, and enthusiasm surrounding their classes! My kids came home excited to talk about what they had learned and actually remembered the information! Money management strategies, along with ways of thinking about overall wealth, were shared with symbolism and excitement - making it easier for them to comprehend and understand! I was surprised at their desire to take notes and pay attention! I would definitely recommend that parents allow their children the same opportunity. It helped them think more deeply about money and "wealth" to name a few of the benefits."
-McKenzi W.
“Few dangers in today’s world are more rampant, deadly, and devastating to individuals and to families than pornography and sexual addiction. We cannot afford to ignore it. The question of exposure to pornography is no longer a question of ‘if’ but only a question of ‘when’. Youth and adults desperately need to be empowered with the knowledge and tools to successfully navigate the battle zone. The Kill Zone is written from the perspective of one who has personal experience with physical and spiritual warfare and speaks powerfully to youth, using stories and language that resonate with them. I highly recommend it. I believe the moral, mental, and even the physical survival of our culture depends upon our ability to successfully navigate ‘The Kill Zone’. Thank you, Justin, for this inspiring read which left me ready to embrace the battle and fight for victory!”